Stage Right Stage Left

Viewed from the stage facing the audience Stage Left is to the actor's left, the audience's right. Stage Right is the actor's right the audience's left. Right and left depend on where you are. Commentary on theatre, religion, politics and love.

Location: Hamlet, Ohio, United States

Tom is a priest in the Episcopal Church, an actor and director in community theatres in the Cincinnati area

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Homework for politicians

Dear Mr. President and all candidates for public office:
Go read these books.

Wallis, Jim God's Politics, How the right gets it wrong and the left just doesn't get it.
Carter, Jimmy Our Endangered values: America’s moral crisis
Laytham, D. Brent ed. God is not...Religious, Nice, One of Us, an American
Lerner, Michael, The Left Hand of God: taking back our country from the religious right
Bruce, Feiler Abraham

Then come back and we’ll talk.


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