Stage Right Stage Left

Viewed from the stage facing the audience Stage Left is to the actor's left, the audience's right. Stage Right is the actor's right the audience's left. Right and left depend on where you are. Commentary on theatre, religion, politics and love.

Location: Hamlet, Ohio, United States

Tom is a priest in the Episcopal Church, an actor and director in community theatres in the Cincinnati area

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Being correct.

In her book titled, Called to Question, Joan Chittister defines religions as "systems designed to  lead humans to the divine."  She presents a thought provoking concept regarding religion and spirituality in the following writing:
"Religion is the mooring of the soul.  Spirituality is its lodestone.  Religion is, at best, external.  Spirituality is the internal distillation of this external  witness to the divine.  Spirituality is what galvanizes us to fill up the lack we feel within us.  It is the desire for wholeness that evades us.  It is the burning need to find the more.
The very purpose of religion is to enable us to step off into the uncharted emptiness that is the spiritual life, freely but not untethered.  We have under     our feet the promise of the tradition that formed us and the disciplines that shaped our souls.  We can then wander through the pantheon of spiritual traditions freely, going deeper and deeper into every question from every direction.  In the end, then, we become more, not less, of what we ourselves know to be our own religious identity." 

I don’t know why it is that people who believe in and want and live by mystery and ambiguity and people who believe in and want absolutes and unitary truth cannot share God.

The Bible is filled with metaphors and ambiguity, contradictions which require us to decide matters of faith and morals for ourselves, but with God’s help.

Others see scripture and church etc. as defining for us more completely what we should accept in faith and morals. These two attitudes are not opposites, they are on a continuum.

Does unity trump orthodoxy or does orthodoxy trump unity.

Why is it in religion that we need to deny the value of someone elses’ religion/piety/spirituality?


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