Stage Right Stage Left

Viewed from the stage facing the audience Stage Left is to the actor's left, the audience's right. Stage Right is the actor's right the audience's left. Right and left depend on where you are. Commentary on theatre, religion, politics and love.

Location: Hamlet, Ohio, United States

Tom is a priest in the Episcopal Church, an actor and director in community theatres in the Cincinnati area

Friday, February 01, 2008

Career change

Finding a job is a full time job. My last job, Vicar of the Episcopal Church of the Good Samaritan ended when the new Bishop chose to stop funding that mission church. He provided two months severance pay, membership in a career coaching company and just recently several months of health insurance.

I have been talking about retiring, but wanted to do it on my own time. I had talked about getting out of parish ministry, but again wanted to do it my own way. So.

January and February looked to be a mini sabbatical. I would spend the time working on Greek and re writing my Chicago Junction stories for publication. Neither has happened. I have spent most of the time working on how to "package my skill set" so that I might appeal to employers outside the church.

The process of learning how to "network" [Verbing weirds language - Pogo], is challenges me. I don't like making telephone calls to people I don't know. But I have been doing it.


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